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What parents don't know

 As a teacher, it is interesting to sit in on parent teacher conferences and learn what non teachers don't know.  I'm not only talking about learning related things.  One thing that most parents don't know is that they have access to the exact same resources that teachers do.  


There are very few resources that teachers have access to that parents don't.  I worked in a Title 1 school for my 3 years of teaching.  This basically means that because of the social economic status of our students, we received extra funding from the state.  That sounds like it would be a big help, but in all actuality there were very specific things the school could spend the money on.  It was very rare, at least in fourth grade, that we all had enough textbooks for all of our students.  Which meant that they were very rarely used.  The majority of the resources that we used were free resources online. 

Teachers pay teachers is a great resource for finding just about any educational topic.  They have resources for all grade levels and they have lots of freebies.  It is a great place to find extra practice for your child.

As a teacher, my next go to website was Pinterest.  There are tons of activities that you can do at home to help your child learn.  You can search by grade level and subject area.  Pinterest always has some awesome learning opportunities.

Moby Max is an amazing resource.  If your child doesn't have an account at school, I would look into making one at home.  If your child does have one at school, you should be working on it at home also.  This was such a good resource that I paid $100 a year for my students to have access to it because my school didn't offer it.  


You can always search google for activities to help your child at home.  There are tons of websites that have free learning games.  
